Tuesday 17 May 2016

One day you will meet someone 
And you will understand why Icarus flew too close to the sun.
Like falling to the earth, your wings aflame
but realizing that it isn't fear you're feeling
Like trying to keep yourself in perfect balance
but tempted, sorely tempted, to let go

Like telling yourself not to fly too close to the sun
but loving the way the burn cleanses


Recently I've been reading poems on Icarus, for they are so beautiful and yet tragic.

This is one of my favourites:

many stories
have warned me 
about the likes
of you

ones that
brightly blaze 

ones you 
should never
allow yourself
to come close
to love

but it was 
our tale 
of two

you were the sun
and I was Icarus
i was meant
to fall
for you